Flying high! Buccaneers extend winning streak to six games

Through five games, no team has been able to slow down the Blinn men's basketball team's blazing hot offense.

Houston Community College fell victim to its potency Saturday at the Blinn P.E. Building as the Buccaneers won 122-83.

The game marked Blinn's fifth straight of scoring at least 111 points or more.

"We've got everybody out there contributing as much as they can," sophomore point guard Jacoby Green said. "We came out there and played hard and played together."

The Bucs (6-0) used a pair of 3-pointers and two dunks by sophomore Macari Brooks to build an eight-point lead in the opening minutes. The Eagles slowed down the Bucs' high-powered offense for a time, though never long enough to pull the game close. By the 8:25 mark in the second half, Blinn had built a 40-point, 97-57 lead.

Sophomore Jourdan Stickler played a big part in that as he hit four second-half 3-pointers to finish the night with 17 points –– 15 of which came from behind the arc.

The Bucs hit 10 threes on the night.

Eddie Alcantara scored 15 points for the Bucs, Jalan McCloud scored 11 and Roderick Harris and Cornell Barnett each scored 10.

"We're trying to do what Coach says instead of doing our own thing," Brooks said, who finished with a game-high 27 points. "What he's been telling us has been working, so we need to keep listening to him so that he can get us to where we want to go."

Through the season-opening six-game winning streak, Blinn coach Scott Schumacher is seeing the team improve.

"They're starting to grasp what we're asking of them on offense and defense," he said. "We have a lot of offensive weapons and we share the ball well."

The Bucs have a chance to extend their winning streak to seven games against Victoria College Monday night at 7:30 in the P.E. Building.

"We've just got to keep playing together," Green said. "As long as no one gets selfish, we'll be all right."

Lamar State upends Buccaneers
February 19, 2014 Lamar State upends Buccaneers